(“we”, “us”, or “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and disclose information through our SAAS tool,  (the “Service”).

Information We Collect

At Toker SRL, we value your privacy and are committed to ensuring the highest level of confidentiality and security for your information. Here’s what you need to know about the information we collect when you use our Service:

1. Account Information: When you create a account, we collect your name and email address. This information is essential to personalize your experience and enable various features of the Service.

2. Integrations: As you integrate your various marketing platforms with our Service, we collect information that you input, including the details about the platforms you’re connecting and any associated data. This data is necessary to provide you with accurate analytics, reports, and insights. For data collected from Google APIs, we adhere to Google’s API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. Continue reading for further information.

3. Chat Interactions and AI Data Sharing: Your chat interactions and data from connected third-party services may be shared with our private version of OpenAI models hosted on Microsoft Azure and OpenAI’s GPT model for chatbot functionality. This sharing is essential for the service and is detailed in the section below: “Third-Party and Proprietary AI Tools.”

4. Usage Information: To help us understand how you interact with our Service and enable us to improve your user experience, we collect information about your usage. This may include log data, device information, and other data related to your activities within our Service.

5. Data Processing: At, your data’s privacy is a top priority. We process data on-the-fly and do not store any data in databases, except for chat history as detailed in the “Third-Party and Proprietary AI Tools” section. This ensures your data stays where it belongs—with you.

We use the information we collect to:

  • Provide, Maintain, and Improve the Service: We use your information to deliver the services you request, maintain your account, and enhance your experience with .
  • Respond to Your Requests and Inquiries: Your information helps us respond to your customer service requests, support needs, and other inquiries.
  • Communicate with You: We use your information to communicate with you about the Service, updates, and other informational or promotional content.
  • Analyze and Monitor Usage: We use analytics tools to track how users interact with the Service, which helps us make data-driven decisions for improvements.
  • Detect, Investigate, and Prevent Fraud and Other Illegal Activities: We use your information to protect the security and integrity of the Service by detecting and preventing fraudulent or illegal activities.

Authentication And Authorized Data Access

User authenticates with the 3rd party provider such as Google account. Upon authentication, user allows the application:
1. Associate user with personal info on Google
2. See user’s personal info, including any personal info user made publicly available
3. View user’s email address

Email address and other credentials of authenticated user, are encrypted and stored in the database of the application, within infrastructure of Google. This can be used to restrict or fully block the service for a particular user in case of the breach of the terms of use. User’s authentication credentials can be deleted upon the request.

Revoke Access to Your Google Account

To remove access of the application to your account, you can do it directly in your Google account by following this link:

Google API Services User Data Policy

Google API Services Disclosure

Sphinx Mind’s use and transfer of information received from Google APIs adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. We recommend reviewing Google API Services User Data Policy to better understand their practices.

Use of Google API Services Data

When you choose to connect various Google services to, we require specific permissions to fetch and display data for your interactive queries. Below are the permissions required for each Google service:

You may choose to connect one, multiple, or none of these services as per your preference.

Third-Party and Proprietary AI Tools

Our chatbot service utilizes advanced AI technology by employing privately deployed OpenAI models on Microsoft Azure. This approach allows us to generate contextually relevant and accurate responses based on your interactions and queries, ensuring a high-quality user experience.

Data Sharing in Different Use Cases
  1. When Chatting Directly on Our Website: Your chat interactions are processed using our privately deployed OpenAI models on Microsoft Azure. This ensures that your data, including chat history, user metrics, and dimensions from integrated services like Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads, is not shared with OpenAI directly.
  2. When Using Custom GPT Models on ChatGPT: For custom GPT models, your data is shared with OpenAI. However, we do not store any of this data. OpenAI does not use data shared via APIs for training their models. Remember to uncheck the option to share data for training purposes when creating a custom GPT model.

Here’s a breakdown of the specific data shared from each source:

Google Analytics: Your Google Analytics data includes website traffic information, user behavior, and engagement metrics from your connected websites. Metrics like page views, session duration, bounce rate, and user demographics. By incorporating these insights, the chatbot can tailor its responses to align with the user’s website-related inquiries.

Google Ads: Data from your Google Ads campaigns offers insights into your advertising efforts, ad performance, and user interactions with your advertisements. Key metrics such as ad clicks, impressions, click-through rates (CTR), and conversion rates are integrated into the chatbot’s learning process. This integration enables the chatbot to provide more informed and relevant responses regarding your advertising strategies.

Google Search Console: Information gathered from Google Search Console sheds light on your website’s visibility in Google search results. Details about search queries, click-through rates (CTR), and average position help the chatbot understand user intent and prevalent search trends. By leveraging this data, the chatbot can offer insights and answers that align with current search behaviors.

Facebook Ads: Facebook Ads data includes data related to your advertising campaigns on the Facebook platform. Metrics such as ad reach, engagement, and campaign performance contribute to refining the chatbot’s ability to address questions related to your Facebook marketing efforts.

TikTok Ads: Data from your TikTok advertising campaigns, including user engagement, campaign performance, and ad metrics. This information helps the chatbot provide insights into your TikTok marketing strategies.

BigQuery: The chatbot utilizes SQL-based queries to access information from your tables and queries in BigQuery. This approach enables the chatbot to pull specific data points based on your needs, providing tailored insights and responses.

Chat Interactions: This refers to the text-based interactions you have with the chatbot within the platform. The content of these conversations, including your questions and responses. This data aids in refining the AI’s ability to comprehend inputs and generate contextually accurate responses.

All of the data sources mentioned above are crucial for enhancing the chatbot’s ability to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses. When chatting directly on our website, certain data points from your interactions and connected platforms are processed using our privately deployed OpenAI models on Microsoft Azure. For custom GPT models on OpenAI, your data is shared with OpenAI. We ensure that only relevant and necessary data are shared to maintain the effectiveness of the chatbot’s functionality.

As of March 1, 2023, OpenAI has updated its data usage policy. Under this new policy, OpenAI will not use the data sent via their API to train or improve their models unless you explicitly opt-in for this purpose. Despite this, it’s important to understand that the sharing of your private data with OpenAI is essential for the basic functionality of our chatbot service.

OpenAI retains API data for 30 days for abuse and misuse monitoring purposes. After this period, the data is deleted unless otherwise required by law. For more details, you can read OpenAI’s data usage and retention policies.

Firestore Data Storage

While we do not directly store raw data from third-party sources such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, or Facebook Ads, it’s crucial to understand that your chat history may contain references to or summaries of data from these services. Retaining this chat history is not just for record-keeping; it’s a fundamental component for the seamless functionality of our chatbot service. This chat data is securely stored in Google Firestore, a cloud-based NoSQL database, in compliance with Firebase’s data security protocols. Your chat history is retained indefinitely, but you have the option to delete it at any time through the settings in our application.

User Consent Process

During your registration with, we require your explicit consent regarding our privacy practices. As part of the sign-up process, you will encounter a checkbox indicating that you have read and agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By checking this box, you acknowledge your understanding and agreement to how we handle your data as detailed in these documents. Only upon agreeing to these terms will the chatbot service proceed with using your data. You have the option to withdraw your consent at any point, read more below.

Opt-Out Options

If you choose to withdraw your consent and opt-out of data sharing with third-party tools, you will no longer be able to use the service. The nature of our tool requires data sharing for its basic functionality. Therefore, opting out effectively means discontinuing use of the service.


By using our chatbot service, you explicitly consent to your chat data being processed as described above. We ensure that your data is handled securely and in accordance with this privacy policy, as well as OpenAI’s and Firestore’s privacy policies.

If you do not agree with this policy, please refrain from signing up and using

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used across domain in order to collect information about the users’ interactions with the site as well as to identify returning visits, location, device data and engagement signals. Collected data helps to understand the relevancy and general usage of the tool hence, to provide better experience and solutions towards the needs of the users, fix errors and bugs. No data is shared with the 3rd party organizations or individuals.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

We may share your information with third parties in the following circumstances:

  • Service Providers: We may share your information with third-party service providers who perform services on our behalf, such as hosting, analytics, and customer support.
  • AI Data Sharing: Your chat interactions and data from connected third-party services may be shared with our in-house AI algorithms and OpenAI’s GPT model for chatbot functionality. This sharing is essential for the service and is detailed in the section above “Third-Party and Proprietary AI Tools”.
  • Compliance with Laws: We may disclose your information as required by law or in response to legal process, including subpoenas, court orders, and requests from law enforcement.
  • Business Transfers: If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your information may be transferred as part of that transaction.
  • Your Consent: We may disclose your information with your consent.

Your Choices

You can access and update your account information through the Service. You can also unsubscribe from our promotional emails by following the instructions in the email.

Data Retention

We retain the information we collect for as long as necessary to provide the Service and fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. When we no longer need the information, we will securely delete it or de-identify it. Your chat history is retained indefinitely, but you have the option to delete it at any time through the settings in our application.


We take reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, and destruction. However, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by email or by posting a notice on our website prior to the change becoming effective.

Contact Us

In order to receive further information regarding use of the Site, please contact us at: [email protected]